Highlights From The Class Of 1956

Highlights From The Class Of 1956

Senior Class Play – “Cheaper by the Dozen” February 28, 29 1956
Cast: John Jeglum, Diane Burgy, Carol Ridnour, John Drye, Keith Holcomb, John Scott, Diane Darling, Marcia Conway, Janice Kubly, Sue Isely, Penny McCulley, Dorothy Drews, Tom Keegan, Gordon Stauffacher, John Hammer and Marcia Heuer.

Musical Comedy – “Golden Butterfly “November 21, 22 1955
Cast: Jerry Disch, Nancy Stauffacher, Ken Krebs, Ronald Nybroten, Carol Jensen, Kay Bartlet, Marco Bregenzer, Tom Keegan, Pat Ruehlman, Marlene Hare, Priscilla Viel

Success we predict to the class of “56 – “Come, Tarry Awhile in Southern Style”. Held at the Monroe Country Club on May 11, 1956. Sponsored by the parents of the junior and senior class.

Master of ceremonies – Joseph Urban
Dance Music – Don Eddy Trio
Comedy singing team – Don Hoos and Mike Fox
And for continued fun, a movie at Chalet theatre – “The Young at Heart with Doris Day and Frank Sinatra.

Prom – “Three Coins in the Fountain: – May 13, 1955
King – Keith Holcomb
Queen – Joan Mauerman

Homecoming – Co-captains: Gordon Stauffacher, Peter Johnson, Queen: Joan Schultz
Attendants: Patricia Gaughan, Betty Lamb
General Chairman – John Hammer, Mary Lou Figi
Parade chairman – Lorraine Clark
Bonfire chairman – Jerry Disch
Bonfire parade on Thursday night

Christmas Program – “Geraldine and the White Robe” presented Dec 16, 1955
Director – Judy Frey
Cast – Donna Gustafson, Cecilia Grawehr, Diane Burgy, Kay Bartelt

“A” basketball squad – Pete Johnson, James Menehan, Gary Coplien – Squad manager: Jon Dannerbeck

Badger Boy’s State Representative – John Hammer, John Bruni

Nationality of Senior Class –
Swiss – 29.43
German – 26.17
English – 13.27
Irish – 8.96
Norwegian 8.03

Snow Ball – Held on December 28, 1955 in the Lincoln Gym. Music by Norm Kingsley orchestra from Madison, WI

Senior Class enrollment in October 1955 – 119

Senior Band
President – Owen Hefty
Vice President – Patricia Gaughan
Secretary – Shirley Montgomery
Student Conductor – Bill Lanz

Youth Council
President – John Hammer
Vice President – John Jeglum
Secretary – Donna Gustafson
Reporter – Marlene Hare

MHS Bulletin 1955-1956
Editors – Carol Ridnour, Marcia Conway
Sports Editor – Roger Stauffacher
Business Manager – Mary Lou Figi

Legion Award – Pete Johnson

President – Fred Ainsworth
Vice Pres – Curtis Wagner
Secretary – Beverly Kuckuck
Treasurer – Carol Stauffacher

Senior Class
President – Wesley Falk
Vice Pres – James Menehan
Secretary – Beverly Kuckuck
Treasurer – Carol Stauffacher

Girl’s Chorus
President – Joan Mauerman
Librarians – Joyce Kubly, Maralyn Smith

Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow Award
Diane Darling

M Book Staff
Editor – Shirley Montgomery
Business Manager – Mary Jane Johnson
Sports Editor – John Hammer
Picture Editor – Nancy Stauffacher
Society Editor – Diane Darling

Orchesis “American Folklore”presented April 26, 27 1956
President – Patricia Gaughan
Vice President – Donna Gustafson
Treasurer – Jean Sacker
Secretary – Betty Lamb

Calendar of Events
Sock Hop – 11/14/55
Sadie Hawkins Dance – 11/11/55
Hayride – 11/25/55
Christmas Dance – 12/23/55
Snowball Dance – 1/23/56

Student Council
President – Gary Coplien
Vice Pres – John Jeglum
Secretary – Janice Kubly

Mixed Chorus
President – Jerry Disch
Vice Pres – Marco Bregenzer
Secretary – Shirley Montgomery
Treasurer – Marlene Hare
Robe Secy – Marcia Conway, Cecilia Grawehr

DAR Citizenship Award
Patricia Gaughan

Twirling Squad
Delores Marty
Janice Kubly

Tennis Team Members
John Hammer
Pete Johnson
Larry Loveland
Won Badger Conference Tennis Title

Roger Stauffacher, Chester Dillon, received state farmer degree
Land Judging Contest Winners
Richard Briggs
Daniel Mueller
Wesley Falk
Chester Dillon
Walter Botteron

Jury Trial
November 1955, sponsored by the Green County Bar Association
Defendant – Curtis Wagner
Witness for plaintiff: Fred Ainsworth, Carol Ridnour
Other witness: Jon Dannerbeck, John Jeglum, Delores Marti

State Forensics
John Bruni – “A” in extemporaneous speaking
Janice Kubly – “B” in humorous declamation
Curtis Wagner – “B” in extemporaneous speaking

Golf Team
Major letter winners: Owen Hefty, Pat Wuetrich, Jim Menehan and Gary Coplien. Team placed 15th in the state meet.

Wisconsin Science Project Fair Participants
Curtis Wagner
Larry Coole
They exhibited a project on “rockets.”

Pep Club
Vice President – Donna Gustafson
Secretary – Mary Jane Johnson
Treasurer – Cecilia Grawehr

Junior Citizen Award
Berty Lamb

Designers of the “M” Book cover
Kathleen Hartwig
Mary Wilson

New members of the senior class
Darja Huenink, Evelyn Andrews, Dorothy Drews

Badger Girl’s state representative
Beverly Kuckuck

Curtis Wagner composed a symphonic fantasy entitled “Man”, consisting of 50 pages and taking approximately 20-30 minutes to play.
GAA – Letters for participation in sports
Lynn Bartelt
Lorraine Clark
Wanda Goebli
Anita Hawthorne
Sharon Seffrood
Helen Walter
Eileen Kraus

Cross Country Participants
John Drye
Dave Dwyer
Don Christen

Homemaking Club
Nancy Kohl
Wanda Goebli
Marian Huber
Elaine Altman
Ilene Huber
Rosalie Bouers
Carol Jensen
Betty Friedli

Track Team – Major lettermen returning for 1956 season
Gordon Stauffacher
John Drye
Don Christen
David Dwyer
Team placed 10th out of 44 teams in Madison relay. Second in Badger Conference

Valentine Dance
Admission is 35 cents for Youth Center member and 50 cents for non-member

Monroe High School Hi-Y Basketball team
Owen Hefty
Gordon Stauffacher
Jim Condon
Roger Stauffacher

Football major letter winners
Peter Johnson
Gordon Teehan
Gary Coplien
John Bruni
The team was 4th place tie in final Badger Conference standing
Other Clubs
Conservation club, M club, Public Discussion, Forensics, Career Club, Library Club, Tumbling Club, Basketball Officiating, Dance Band

MHS Student Fees –Entire Cost is $3.50
8-12 basketball games @.30 each
3-5 football games @.30 each
10 Lyceum programs @.10 each
3 mixers @.15 each
10 bulletins @.10 each
Forensics @.25 each

83rd Commencement – May 31, 1956